Sad! This is left of the dream on the square in Maastricht. Next year I'll bring you another dream.
15 Jul 2009 19:33

Sad! This is left of the dream on the square in Maastricht. Next year I'll bring you another dream. 

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posted by Hanne Jäger 20 Jul 2009 19:56

André Rieu You are surprising us day by day with new ideas and all of us are looking forward to next year when another dream will come true. And perhaps it will be possible to awake the audience. We will try it for you. Smilie

posted by Alice Leung 20 Jul 2009 07:27

Do you know how many fans out there who can't go to your concert every year? I could be one of them. While I'm VERY happy that I made it to Maastricht this year, meeting and hugging old and new friends as you celebrated your 30th anniversary, becoming musquetaire AND opa, please promise you come back to Vancouver soon, for I don't know when I can travel out-of-town to see you again! Super sad!

posted by Elizabeth Baker 20 Jul 2009 04:16

André Rieu Hi Andre. Back in the land of Oz. Enjoyed all 5 concerts. Thanks to you and the Orchestra who were kind enough to have photos and a chat. Also the people of Maastricht were very very friendly and I hope to be back next year.


posted by Elizabeth Baker 20 Jul 2009 04:14

posted by Sonja 20 Jul 2009 00:02

André Rieu Hi Andre. We are all a little sad with you, but hope to be back and experience a new dream at the concerts next year. Let us know when and we will be there. Hope you miss us a bit, those crazy fans, whose faces you see time and time again in front of your stage. I have been fan since 1995 when I say this funny long haired man with a violin walk onto the soccerfield. I will never forget it. Home from the US and watching the game with my dad. The game was great but you were even better. My thanks to Marjorie and you for bringing another dimmension to my life.

posted by MaryAnn Coppola 19 Jul 2009 18:50

Andre.....Now that you have taken down your stage on the Vrijthof and most of your fans have returned home.....Question.....Do you miss all of us fun-loving fans, just a little bit?????

posted by tina stynesmonitor 19 Jul 2009 00:53

Dear Andre, thank you so much for the wonderful concert in Maastricht we traveled from Ireland to be there.You have a lot of fans in Ireland so maybe sometime in the future you will come back to ireland as i'ts been a long time since you have been here. We have many concert nights in our home as our friends love to watch your DVD'S.We love you lots here in Ireland so don't retire just take a rest. lots of love Tina.

posted by Janet Balodis 18 Jul 2009 04:53

André Rieu How is your lttle grandson Andre? I bet he is changing every day.I reccon you will be having lots of fun with him.One day not so far off he will be walking beside you asking lots of questions.

posted by Iris Schilling 17 Jul 2009 20:24

Lieber Andre,
es waren wunderschöne Tage in Maastricht, die leider immer viel zu schnell vorbeigehen. Ein großes Dankeschön Euch allen auf und hinter der Bühne für das Sommerhighlight op het Vrijthof. Aber so richtig zu Hause bin ich wohl noch nicht:-)

Herzliche Grüße aus Mannheim, Iris

posted by marie guilmand 17 Jul 2009 19:33

André Rieu Andre .Grand merci pour vos concerts sublimes, somptueux .Maastricht était l'épicentre de la musique. Nous avons passés une semaine extraordinaire Le bonheur c'est un voyage pas une destination

posted by Glenda Leisemann 17 Jul 2009 13:01

André Rieu I guess it's all a bit sad after all the concerts at home. However, looks as if you will have a few weeks off for your Summer break. Enjoy time with the family if you can especially little Ivan. You'll have to bring several books of stamps to Oz as I'm sure a few more people would like some. Roll on October. Looking forward to some new Aussie favourites

posted by Suzanne Berry 17 Jul 2009 11:36

André Rieu By the time we got up on Wednesday morning and looked out our window of the DuCasque over half the set was gone and very sad indeed!! What a magical week you gave us though André and now we look forward to that dream you will create for us next year!

Thank you for all the "Happiness" you gave ~ words just cannot express it enough ... Sue Smilie

posted by Louise Tomlinson 16 Jul 2009 23:43

André Rieu Hi Andre, don;t be sad for it is said that as one door closes so another one opens. I'm sure you'll be kept very busy organising your DVD and future concerts. Still waiting for your dates for South Africa!!! Best wishes to you Music Maestro, your family and the entire JSO team. Frances

posted by Janet Balodis 16 Jul 2009 11:27

André Rieu Found out today that my husband will have his brain opperation on 6th October,2009 We both hope he will be able to attend the concert on 16th October as I purchased these seats as a gift to him for this years wedding anniversary which was in April.34years.together.We enjoy your music so much.We can only hope!!

posted by Matilde Moreno 16 Jul 2009 08:49

André Rieu Dear Andre: The best thing on life is to make your dreams come true so you may go for the next one; and that's what you do and you share your enthusiasm and happiness with us even if we couldn't be in the concerts. I've been following your activities day after day.
About the Vrijthof Square, it's filled by vibrations of joy created by the magic of music!! Congratulations to JSO Members, to You and all your family. God Bless every one of You and as always: Love from México.

posted by Rhonda Biddell 16 Jul 2009 02:44

André Rieu Hello Andre, I'm sure you have a book of dreams, just turn to the next page and go for it, sure looking forward to your next dream. Love it . Regards Rhonda

posted by Mark Morgenthaler 16 Jul 2009 02:09

André Rieu Have you set the dates yet for your concerts in Maastricht for 2010? Loved your concert in Sacramento last month very much.

posted by Mark Morgenthaler 16 Jul 2009 02:08

posted by Renate Weißenborn 16 Jul 2009 00:20

André Rieu Du sprichst mir aus der Seele, denn ich beobachte den ganzen Tag über schon den Abbau dieser traumhaften Szenerie auf dem Vrijthof. Das macht sehr traurig und man hofft und freut sich auf das nächste Jahr. Noch einmal "Danke" für ein großartiges Event.

posted by patricia funnell 15 Jul 2009 22:58

André Rieu dear andre you still have Australia in Oct, looking forward to that, thank you for the addition to my collection. regards Patricia.

posted by Janet Balodis 15 Jul 2009 22:56

André Rieu Thank you Andre.We will be looking forward to that one as well.

posted by Rose Gregg 15 Jul 2009 22:53

André Rieu Just as there is a beginning to everything, there is also an end. I will look forward to your new dvd, though I haven't got last year's from Masstricht yet. Have a great day and a good rest. You've earned it. God bless!!!

posted by Pamela Didur 15 Jul 2009 22:39

Hoi Andre,
It is sad, even on the web cam. But you're right, you have plenty more in that vast creative heart - the best is yet to be! Smilie It might cheer you up to check out an article on the Internet called "Gifts from Andre Rieu: What This Extraordinary Man Has Taught Me About Dreams and Humanism." The author is very sincere.

posted by Ingrid Jansen 15 Jul 2009 22:36

Jammer dat het weer voorbij is, doch er is dus duidelijk alweer volgend jaar om naar uit te kijken (en natuurlijk Thialf, en de Arena, en Australië en alles).
Zodra de data van volgend jaar bekend zijn ga ik op kaartjesjacht.

posted by Mirusia 15 Jul 2009 21:06

André Rieu bye bye stage!

posted by blooker68 15 Jul 2009 20:11

André Rieu Did Clara enjoy the sausage?

posted by blooker68 15 Jul 2009 20:11

André Rieu We are looking forward to the DVD, especially in BluRay.

posted by Adriana Amrhein 15 Jul 2009 19:59

André Rieu This dream it's over, but there is another dreams for this year and for the next years, thanks you!
And I hope to be there to live one of those dreams personally.

posted by Chris Tromburg 15 Jul 2009 19:56

André Rieu Yes, you've created many-a-dream for multitudes! And the awesome thought... there's another.....

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André Rieu

Maastricht, The Netherlands

Official account of the 'King of Waltz'; Andr


The studioteam is already working on the DVD. We have a lot of fun Sad! This is left of the dream on the square in Maastricht. Next year I'll bring you another dream. I worked the whole weekend in the studio, but I cannot call it work, it's fun
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