Lazy Sunday. I laid in bed and watched Sesame Street with mommy and daddy.
I'm still having fun with my dino rider. I've got the dismount down but getting back on is still tricky.
Loving lunchtime.
Loving lunchtime.
There's no such thing as a fair fight daddy.
Tango this is one of those things we're not supposed to play with. I'm just showing you do you don't get in trouble.
Tango this I one of those things we're not supposed to play with. I'm just showing you do you don't get in trouble.
Here is a dadellite view of my play area.
Hear no evil.
Ok Mom Mom. I know you don't love Dr. Seuss but I'm going to read it to you any way.
Ok Mom Mom. I know you don't love Dr. Seuss but I'm going to read it to you any way.
Thank for the visit Mom Mom and Aunt Shannon.  I had lots of fun playing peekaboo and reading stories.
Daddy tried to catch me doing "so big" but I got  camera shy and it turned out so medium.
I found my valentine for tomorrow daddy....I guess we can share.
Man I'm loving this new activity thingy.  I'm working on a new song.  It goes "dada ♪♫ dada♬♪dadadad".
Attack of the giant baby.
Not sure why I gave to brush these when they're only temporary.
Does this sweater make me look serious?
This is my please pick me up face.
Some day I'll get to walk Tango but for now I'll just hold on to his collar.
Here's an action shot of my new swing. You can tell I'm having fun when all 4 of my teeth are showing.
Weeee! I love my new swing. Thanks mom and dad.
I don't get why Tango is so obsessed with these things. They're kind of gross.

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