I only like peas when I'm eating them by hand.
Just a few more reps before bed time. This thing is heavy.
Daddy put me on his computer screen. I got hungry and ate his icons.
Mommy was spinning me around (slowly) in the office chair. It was lots of fun.
Peek-a-boo daddy. I see you hiding under the pillow. You're no match for my attention to detail.
My first birthday party...not mine but a friend's from swim class.
These days if its taller than 12 inches I pull myself up on it.
Happy birthday mommy!
Bring on the feast. I'm hungry!
I'm getting a little too big and active for baths in the sink. Had to move it to the tub.
The Finney boys sure love the outdoors.
What's missing from this picture... I know, a snowboard.
Fun fact: The red panda, cousin to the giant panda, is also known as the "firefox".
My first drum kit!
Riding my dino thingy. You're supposed to walk behind it then learn to ride it. Well guess what. I can't walk yet.
If I didn't know any better I'd think she was trying for a head kick.
Chasing the light. Daddy says that's the name of the game in photography.
Brrr. It was cold out there today.  Daddy made a fire. Mommy and I lasted 5 minutes.
1/14/2012 I've been on this earth as long as I was in mommy's tummy. I feel wise beyond my months.
It's Friday the 13th. Mommy and daddy said a hockey mask and machete weren't age appropriate props though.
This crocodile neck pillow is the coolest.
I am Brandon. Hear me roar.
Sweet new pack daddy. Multicam is not only the latest in camo innovation. It's also super tacticool.
Mommy. You didn't leave any room for me in this. Just as well. Daddy gets lonely easily. I'll keep him out of trouble.

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