Yesterday Tom and I got to do some Monk Cosplay when we found a shoe on the beach and I decided it evidence of MURDER!
Winter beach makes me sad and happy at the same time.
I set the sky on fire with my mind. Watch out you're not next.
Bacon and eggs eaten, fire in the hearth, reading about Sea Monkeys and X-ray specs. Merry Xmas, you scamps!
I am Antas. You'd better watch out!
Wine assholes  @hodgman and  @jonathancoulton
RT @big_valley @bigdumptruck I'll believe it when I see it.
Used professionally by many doctors!
Rip off alert! I planned to watch these ginormous windmills for 2 hours and they stopped one of them!
Holy cow, look at the water POUR into the sump pump from our B-Dry system!!!
DO NOT BE CONFUSED! They look alike but they do not taste the same!
Why only 6 ways? If you trim the ends you could probably fit in Hitler/Michael Jordan.
Oh, I almost forgot! I got an Amusement Park Tattoo. Makes me feel like a slut on a sitcom; just sorta dirty.
I am your Time-Life operator. Can I interest you in a football phone?
@tenthmuse Look what I found in Diet.  HOLY CRAP IT'S DELICIOUS!
Learning = earning! Mama needs a beach house! (Day 2 with guitar.)
This bug was next to our door. We are now homeless cause I am NEVER getting near that thing! It's 6 inches long!
This bug was next to our door. We are now homeless cause I am NEVER getting near that thing! It's 6 inches long!
If I wasn't so tried to my gnome-ish image, I'd use this photo of me in my hand-decorated hat.
That was fast! And THRILLING!
Hey this has potential! But how soon is "immediate future?"
I can only be way freaking cooler than I really am for 10 minutes at a time. (That's how long I drove this.)
This stuff is freaking fantastic!!!!

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Jody LaFerriere

, Massachusetts 01460

Funny Ha Ha writer chick, photographer



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