FRIDAY! Only 6 days left...
Hilarious autocorrect mistakes are not unique to the iPhone. Windows phone suggests 'punishment' for 'lumia'
What really happened with the Titanic 100 years ago…
The 7 Deadly Keys
Testing Mobypicture for Desktop. Cute little app.
Just discovered this: when you open a movie in Quicktime you can convert it to Apple TV and iPad format.
Just discovered this: when you open a movie in Quicktime you can convert it to Apple TV and iPad format.
Underwater love...
Loïs in a fancy pool today
I don't have any domains at GoDaddy. #MoveYourDomainDay
Bottom left, in the colorful shirt, that's me age 3.
Cat got in fight with other cat then redirects anger at me...
Group ski photo on my last ski trip. Me in all red and @Tessas in purple:
Every time I see the #newTwitter home button I think I'm being alerted to a 'Caps Lock' error…
Lacoste Boris Pauillac 2006?
Me, in 1980...
You know it's a great party when the kids are throwing food at the guests in the kitchen:
Testing Moby app
iTunes Match in progress. I feel so clean.
Ah, me during my ballet show.
Cool photo of me onstage. Too bad they spelled my name wrong. ;-)
And how is all of that my fault? Screw you and your screwy form!

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