✈yay hi))
21 Nov 2017 06:24

✈yay hi)) 

Dear friend!

Just wanted to demonstrate something really great, I am hoping you'll enjoy it. Take a look http://www.perspectivetx.com/weed.php?UE9jYW5keXBvcGJ1YmJsZXMuMTEyOEBtb2J5cGljdHVyZS5jb20-

Rushing, Ciel Sapungan

From: candypopbubbles.1128 [mailto:candypopbubbles.1128Mobypicture.com]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 11:24 PM
To: cielskittygate.com
Subject: Seriously..

1.) Talk to your boyfriend about why he hasn't proposed or what he thinks his timeline would be and what your timeline is. Yeah, it takes some of the spontaneity out of it, but waiting will drive you crazy.

2.) Drop your ring price expectations unless you're willing to help pay for it. It's rude to expect someone to buy you something expensive like that. If he chooses to get it for you, that's fine. But don't expect it. It's the marriage that's important, not the ring. The ring is just a nicety. It's not important. I have no idea how much mine costs. I don't want to know. All I know is that my boyfriend picked it out all on his own and it's absolutely beautiful. I find it more special that he took time to know my likes (without outright asking me) and picked something on his own.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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✉Fw: yay! that is not a joke! ✈yay hi)) ☠hey! look!
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