Goin' votin'
I've seen movies, but never read the series myself. Time to get into a classic:
It's like Christmas in October!
Can't even do justice to how beautiful it is right now on my bike...
Finally some nice weather to enjoy on the bike!
Our team starting the Terry Fox run. 30th anniversary of his Marathon of Hope
Short track team selections in Calgary! 500 men's final:
One of my favorite things at U of C... The poster sale :)
We were all on bear watch, but this is as intimidating as it got... Thankfully!
Good company, climbing with Mykola :)
Doing some lactates... It was cold out!
Some photos from our Canmore camp. Our team:
Coffee break on the way to our Canmore training camp!
Testing out my new "baby blues" too. @anastasure knows the blue boot secret
Massage time :)
Prepping for the farewell brunch of Sibs, friend & former skater... she's moving to Montreal!
Another afternoon in physio!
Having a cozy day-off inside while it's raining. Perfect for some baking!
Specific bike work; I may be smiling, but this ain't easy!
My first day of sailing! Nice way to start, on a Hallberg-Rassy 42
Physio, day 2!
A gift from Lord Roberts public school! Lekker! ;)
David Duncan, Scott Moir and I at a London Olympic celebration!
Beautiful day cycling in the London area

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