Some kids from Jeanne Sauve kids (my primary school). So enthusiastic!
News flash: Kristina Groves to the circus!
Only in Alberta... Cycling in cattle country!
Shelley-Ann, Jessica and I with Snake (original degrassi baby!!)
Can't find my cycling gloves, so these will have to do!!! Hahaha
I like snow, and I like Calgary, but this is just ridiculous!
My weight room nemesis... Cleans!
Enjoying a snack, mid-ride... Especially Kirsti!
just got back from my first ride on my new bike!!
My vicious guard dog!
I can't complain if this is how CE Franklin shows me off ;)
A snack and milkshake at Albert's diner!
Another view from our penthouse/athlete lounge! Not bad eh?!
view from the canadian penthouse!!!
Another sweet surprise today!!!
A giant surprise in the mail!
My kinda 5k... No 5k!
@anastasure... Flash forward to 2010!
A young @anastasure (now a World Sprint vet) snuck a pic with 2day's torch bearer, Susan Auch
Just a regular schoolbus ride home for these kids...
Getting ready for the press conference yesterday... c/o Clara ;)
Giroux brings a little bit of Van der Valk to California!
Nice place to stop and realize we're lost...!

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