@tigress89 here you go.
OMFG  @sapphirewitche just made my freaking day!!!
Had to take snapshot of work notebook to get important story notes. Can you make sense of it? Didn't think so.
@manyafandom @kimpy0464 Inspiration for a future chapter of Confessions.
@Chele681 no words for this one.
@Chele681 Here, found some yum on my phone. Threesomes make me all warm and fuzzy.
Teaser for CoaDW: I stare at the picture in at the center of the strange collage on the wall above Leah's dresser.
Teaser for the next Chapter of Confessions of a Difficult Woman. Did you know that there's a Troll in Seattle?
PS Super-gay uncle squealed
like a crazy fangirl when he saw @dahliablack86's handy work. He loves it.
@manyafandom @kimpy0464 *coughinspirationcough*
Test. Can anyone hear this?
@moonwitche thought of you. I'm at the grocery store. WTF?
To help with the emo. <3
@mskathy "you choose the chocolate, I'll dress it up." made me think of you
I so want to make a banner for My Brother's Keeper out of this images.  "No promises, no regrets."
@ememmyem I reserve final judgement, but... YUM!  @sapphirewitche made this w/ Julia's pic in it. <3
Ah Seattle you soggy h00r.
Just had to rescue my 2.5yr old from being schooled by his 11month old brother.
Lesson learned: What happens when we bite the cat's tail.
Dream thinks he's sexier than Rob.
BruisePorn for @unanon
Not funny but cute. ;)
Will that work?
I bought a new shirt.

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