.@neilorne took this amazing video during the #preds game-winner. Insane.
nectar of the gods
This is me taking a selfie at work. I'm obviously terrible at my job and still in high school, according to JJ Watt.
This just fell out of my chair at work. This can't be good.
My cat's shirt is better than Carrie and Mike's dogs' shirt.
Since the average tweet lasts only 18 minutes, I'll say it again. @tpatt356 and I have some exciting news!! A BABY!
Guess what guys. My little family that @tpatt356 and I started is getting bigger!
Hi. Are you the same comcast Mike from 10 hours ago?
My perfect wife @tpatt356 made the perfect banana pudding. Perfect night.
I just woke up to this.
Oh you know, just getting my #Back2School on.
Slow news day.
This doctor on the Bachelorette looks exactly like the doctor that delivered Phoebe's baby on Friends.
Sure, I may have strep throat, but it's okay. Even Batman gets sick.
@jaelteme but do you have this!
@stephnthecity hi aunt Stephanie!
@blake_mcclard here's dad's from yesterday -
Sometimes you just gotta show off your rack...
We now have Cheerwine in the @wkrn kitchen. This is a huge development.
Now, we are behind this. Just look at that head. He probably smells bad too. #preds #blues #cards #worldseries
.@PredsNhl messed up our tickets, upgraded us and we're behind this. Gross.
@funkyshooters parks and rec for this dude.
@funkyshooters my Sunday.
@robertherjavec our cat is so excited for #SharkTank that he's going as a shark for Halloween!

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