@aziminia yo.  @tknott356 and I snagged you this
Trying this one out
@justinbbradford  @Cellblock303  @aziminia here's my small haul from yesterday
@KDMartel you'll enjoy this, then. 1/2
@justinbbradford yes. I love her.  @tknott356
@NashSevereWx this was taken on HWY 46 in Dickson Co.  #tspotter
My early morning real world commute to work
Again. America. America. America. And cake.
@tdotdell and you need one of these --->
@jrlind there's more. "The Pine Tar Game"
I thought @jrlind would like this #KC
Just won this Milwaukee Admirals jersey on eBay. Stoked.
I won the first game, but she's gunning for me in this next one
Bowling with the best!
There is something off about this.
Friend in waverly took this tonight. Lord, I love my hometown. Absolutely stunning photo.
@HardisonBJ enough said.
One year ago today I met the girl I love most. I never imagined it being this fantastic. Much love,  @tknott356
The best and most timely fortune ever! Seriously needed this. Also, prayers would be appreciated!
.@brwilliams1 and I burnt up the candles. But we also made art.
Yes! Finally!
This is one of the best days in recent memory for  @tknott356 as she gets to switch her @PredsNHL calendar over

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Hunter Patterson

Nashville, TN

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