I saw a headline "Chicago Welcomes Syrian Families" but read it as "Chicago Welcomes Sylvanian Families".
Apparently @DataHawk is bacon a cake.
I have a fascination with warning signs, here's one I haven't seen before: "The Drowning Machine"
I'll have a virgin Caesar please, hold the tomato juice.
So, pretty soon: #NotThatImCurrentlyCool
Shut up and take my money!  http://news.livedoor.com/lite/article_detail/10812164/
♫ Naga baby, I'll slip some tasty rats 'neath the tree... For thee. ♫
We thought he was a goner but the cat came back.
Hey, that's awesome! I usually about the risk that I might actually have to taste my beer!
No words. My words have failed me.
I finally figured out who Martin Shkreli reminds me of. Grima Wormtongue from LOTR.
New refrigerator arrived. It looked sleek & modern for about an hour. Now it looks like it's owned by well, us.
I kind of want this guy, though.  
If an appliance store greets me with advice on how to live a joyous life, it's probably outside my price range.
Behold the Keurig Kold! For $369 it lets you make your own soda at home, for just over a dollar per 8oz serving!
"The Woodland Creature": Rye, Amaretto, Fernet, Cherry Bark Bitters. Not bad, but tastes like "Fernet & Friends".
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada! Enjoy! :)
@Tincrash - If you're not already aware of these, they seem relevant to your interests:
Eddie Money looks kind of like an aging Weasely.
Same story, radically different spins. What do those jerks at UPI have against raccoons?
Does anyone else have a hard time believing Miss Piggy's arms are that skinny? This has got to be photoshopped.
"Sorry, I couldn't find that."
Siri's reply (well, one of them) when asked about today's Apple event:

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