It's the Christmas season. Y'all get out there and Christmas your ass off. Jingle like you've never jingled before. Deck the halls with as much holly and fa la la as your Christmas loving heart can and wants to. We do Christmas here. I will wish you a Merry Christmas and won't bat an eye about it. However you choose to say this season, make sure to say it with love and sincerity. This is the season to remind us that we're all just simply people, that we all should give and receive love and to come together. Love and give until your heart is full.
22 Nov 2015 19:17

It's the Christmas season. Y'all get out there and Christmas your ass off. Jingle like you've never jingled before. Deck the halls with as much holly and fa la la as your Christmas loving heart can and wants to. We do Christmas here. I will wish you a Merry Christmas and won't bat an eye about it. However you choose to say this season, make sure to say it with love and sincerity. This is the season to remind us that we're all just simply people, that we all should give and receive love and to come together. Love and give until your heart is full. 

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Lovin' Lyrics

Raleigh, NC

Sassy * honest * blunt * promoter for new country artists & cd/concert reviewer. Doin' it for the love of music, doin' it my way and callin' it like I see it.

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Nothing more sexy than busting your ass on the Dallas DART train because it took off as soon as you start down the steps with luggage. Awkward clumsiness - #ReasonsImSingle It's the Christmas season. Y'all get out there and Christmas your ass off. Jingle like you've never jingled before. Deck the halls with as much holly and fa la la as your Christmas loving heart can and wants to. We do Christmas here. I will wish you a Merry Christmas and won't bat an eye about it. However you choose to say this season, make sure to say it with love and sincerity. This is the season to remind us that we're all just simply people, that we all should give and receive love and to come together. Love and give until your heart is full. Speak up ... Say how you really feel not what people want to hear, put yourself out there ... Take a chance that something may work out better than you're afraid it will ... If you want it, do your best to put the effort into it and make it happen.
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