Well that's an interesting bug.
@markjardine also, Calcbot shows as iPad only for me?
I found a tiny button on the floor of a classroom.
Forza Horizon on the XB1 is so fun. The graphics are great too, look at that rain!!!
Just saw an AMG with California license plates!
@BigZaphod @TandyQ the app switch before asking bug is back. It also thought an Instagram link was an App Store link:
@stephangeyer so when are you upgrading???????
@chaseoros @prekesh I'm in the middle of that being educated thing right now.
@JonasRask of course you had to one up me. Hahaha
Here's a crappy quality version of mine:
Took some nice photos of a deer and of a peacock. Will post the actual photos later…
Found a piece of Canada at school.
Who wants an Audi?!
@prekesh this is the closest I have to a Porsche.
@lameshetfield dude I have a totem that looks like that! Haha
Almost done.
It worked! Now the actual letters…
Checking the template with another car.
We're gonna put the logo on the GT3, currently making the template now.
This is such a nice car. Looks amazing in this color too!
This is the “sportiest” wheelchair I've ever seen.

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