Also seems to be a curved display.
2 months later, the tan from my livestrong wristband is finally starting to fade away.
Someone seems to have locked up their bike using a dog collar…
Am I seeing wrong or is my teacher coding this website with Microsoft Word????
This is new.
Got in the car to get back to school and it showed 44°C.

Maybe a little too much popcorn…
I’m just going to go ahead and pretend like I know what all this means.
Looks like there were some jumps in my heart rate tonight as well, not as big this time though
I’d like to know what the hell made my heart go crazy at 6am.
Kinda neat to see how my heartbeat changes throughout the night. (And the whole day really)
My office is pretty neat.
@ws fun fact, I also saw Zao’s Jaguar many years ago at a car show! Also, this:
No longer next to the STI :(
cc/ @avon
@1Password I found this photo on my camera roll, from WWDC when I was showing my app Reuk your team.
Under 100 episodes to go.
@brdrck this is how I charge mine, almost the same thing but without the dock and a tv instead of an iMac
Siri can be very funny.
Siri can be very funny.
Probably due to the small size, but the histogram looks funky if made out of VisualEffectViews.
@BigZaphod Whoa hahaha maybe iOS bug?
Open camera and then cancel =
Very nice view from my new office.

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I like taking photos, designing, making websites, blah blah blah…does anybody even read this?



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