nlds... here I come. #reds #fb
nlds... here I come. #reds #fb
look like reagan I going to be on patrol in reno tonight. #fb
off the bus... in to open arms.   #fb
reagan getting on the bus for day two of school. #fb
as my mother in law would say... a pitcher of a pitcher.
a man who needs no introduction... on drums... harrison milthaler.   #fb
@dk bikes. #fb
hope and I may have discovered our new number one spot in springboro... heathers on main street.   #fb
hope and I may have discovered our new number one spot in springboro... heathers on main street. #fb
I think I'll skip this mission.   #fb
we put up a pool in the middle school audi so kids can swim after church all summer. #fb
kurt johnston at SOS.   #fb
starting to feel like summer.   #fb
boys... and their trucks.   #fb
another day in paradise.   #fb
reagans bday party.   #fb
vineyard regional conference at the cbus vineyard.   #fb
hanging out at subway waiting for my hot wife.   #fb
smashburger for the first time.   #fb
where your trash goes.   #fb
at rumpke.   #fb
I'm detoxing. hmmm.   #fb
my little marathoners!!!

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Matthew Milthaler

iPhone: 39.591461,-84.233337

i lead middle school at vineyard community church in cincinnati, ohio. follower of jesus.



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