story time. #fb
party at reagan's school #fb
my son the consumer. #fb
my guess is that you won't see tiger woods representing this company anytime soon. #fb
bath time at the milthaler house is always an adventure. #fb
so this is how you do it?!?  actual internet ad. #fb
the moon is impressive tonight. #fb
my boys are somewhere deep inside the hampster maze at chuck e. cheese. #fb
mommy is away so we are camping out in the living room tonight. #fb
dear lady, the games at mcd are designed for kids. would you stop hogging them so the 4 yr old can play? #fb
it seems that mcdonalds has replaced bob evans when it's just me and the boys. stupid clown. #fb
reagan and the first book he read. #fb
reagans read his first book. #fb
don't know if you knew this, but there are seven days in a week. #fb
help! #fb
they match! #fb
they match! #fb
ha. paints on the ground. #fb
I love dorthy lane market. #fb
rather super. #fb
gumbo baby. this place is unbelieveable #fb
nice. #fb

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Matthew Milthaler

iPhone: 39.591461,-84.233337

i lead middle school at vineyard community church in cincinnati, ohio. follower of jesus.



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