A ping pong bar in #Portland Pips & Bounce
My student, Phil King, would like feedback on this slide. Any ideas?
Many thanks to @Aron_Ra for speaking to my Atheism class about creationism, evidence, and science. Thank you!
Major thanks to @Harrisonauthor for speaking with students in my Atheism class.
#Portland graffiti
A student's father at my son's school sent this email to everyone in the entire school.
Celebrating Halloween with my new friends. #ElderBoghossian
I made some new friends today.
@novalis78 @rodangol @balajis I love this comment: "critical thinking, dont learn it from this dimwit !"
Fantastic podcast. How to talk someone out of racism. Nearly identical to faith liberation https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/love-+-radio/id84389707?mt=2&i=266583920
Words of wisdom from a fan regarding an apology: be proud of it & wear it as a badge of honor https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10152517121710345&id=207324500344
Inconceivably unethical. Top tweet. Harris responds (before the tweet was posted) http://m.samharris.org/blog/item/just-the-facts
Oregon's Measure 91 "Allows possession, manufacture, sale of marijuana by/to adults, subject to state licensing..."
This is how we should treat people who have fundamentally different views http://www.hotcakehouse.com @philvischer
When religion is strong, women's power is weak. When religion is weak, women's power is strong. Phil Zuckerman
Dr Phil Zuckerman delivers a great talk for @cfiportland . Theology as moral outsourcing, among other gems.
Dr Phil Zuckerman lecturing in my Atheism class. #Portland http://www.meetup.com/cfi-portland/events/186374672/
@philvischer addressing my Atheism class at Portland State University
The thing that's so great about jiu jutsu is that there's no room for pretense... It's ego canceling. Sam Harris
"The pleasures of being misunderstood are overrated". Sam Harris
@SamHarrisOrg packing the house in #Portland
A local Christian group was handing this out in front of my Atheism class.
"Anything that can't be mocked is dangerous." Steven Brutus, guest lecturer in my Atheism class
"You have the right to". Flyer on the wall at PSU

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Reason, rationality, evidence, public understanding of science.


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