thats the same person tommy is the killer of jovenel moise participated the assassination in puerto principe in haiti after 1 year the main chavtommy will permanently suspended for evade the permanent suspension
14 Jul 2022 19:31

thats the same person tommy is the killer of jovenel moise participated the assassination in puerto principe in haiti after 1 year the main chavtommy will permanently suspended for evade the permanent suspension 

twitter as forgot permanently suspend the killer main chavtommy for participating the assassination of jovenel moise shooting the wife martine moise right arm he is the worst user the killer alt is already permanently suspended everyone hates chavtommy for being a killer of haiti president jovenel moise after 1 year

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alpha wind

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that chavtommy deserved to being permanently suspended for violating the twitter rules killing jovenel moise haiti president

at last they uprising against the killer of jovenel moise he is finally permanently suspended for violating the twitter rules and participated the assassination of jovenel moise after 1 year thats the same person tommy is the killer of jovenel moise participated the assassination in puerto principe in haiti after 1 year the main chavtommy will permanently suspended for evade the permanent suspension she found the result he reached puerto principe inside the grey truck gets out of passenger seat and picked equipments thief mask armor jacket assault rifle and begins to proceed breach haiti president jovenel moise house broke every doors in 2nd floor found him and killed the haiti president jovenel moise and shot martine right arm
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