Stacks and stacks of Bristol board. I envy you people who have a digital workflow...
Hey, remember palm pilots?  Anyone?  Anyone?
Jesus Christ do I feel old pulling up these sunken treasures from my desk.
Here's the last one.
And another.
Okay, here's a few sketches from last nights drawing sessions.
Here's the last one.
Another face sketch.
Here's some of the warmup sketches from tonight's drawing session.
Here's the last one. Cheers.
Another face.
And another sketch.
Here's a few sketches from the warm up sessions from the past couple days.
Here's a couple more from the sketchbook sessions.
Did I ever tweet this one from the sketchbook?
Here's the other.
Here's a couple of warm up sketches from last nights drawing session.
This happened late yesterday afternoon. Hooray for bringing your own gear!
Oops - here's that pic.
A couple of warm up sketches to get the ball rolling today. Here's the first.
Warm up sketch from earlier today. It's uh ... you know... self portrait...
And here's the same hallway but built in sketchup.
And here's smothering a little different. A sketch for a hallway for something in the works.
Here's a quick sketch to start the night off.

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Jeff Dabu

Winnipeg, MB

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