Here's the last one for the day. Cheers!
Something from the warm up sessions today. For some reason this one feels all j scott Campbell-ish to me
And here's another.
Okay, here's a few sketches from the past week.
Here's one more. Not really happy with the lower jaw and teeth though.
Sigh. Okay, let's see if I can get this working. I've been having issues trying to post pictures.
Here's one from the sketchbook To end it for the day.
Aaaaaand the last sketch for the day. I think the rest of the day is going to be spent in sketchup.
Here's a couple of sketches from today.
And one more.
Here's some of the warm up sketches from the week. Here's the first one.
Here's one from the warmup sketch  sessions tonight.
And the other sketch.
A couple of sketches to get the ball rolling tonight.
And here's the last one. Cheers!
Here's one more.
Here's a few from the sketchbook tonight.
And here's the other. Cheers!
Here's a couple of sketches to call it a night.
Here's something from the sketchbook sessions tonight.
Here's one from a page in working on today.
Here's one more.
Hey!  Yes, it's been a while since the sketchbook sessions but let's give a go today.
Here's one more sketch. Cheers!

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Jeff Dabu

Winnipeg, MB

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