There will hair flying everywhere the next couple of days, heading out with the dance family to our second competition of the year. 
@commonwealthofficial was the perfect opposite to what the weekend will offer.
Loved the really cool set turned in by @the_morgan_freemasons
Helping @jeffcrespirocks celebrate his birthday tonight. Happy birthday sir, @lyonsband kicking things off.
When the bass player steps out front all live videos must come to a halt. 
@pimpsofjoytime closing out the night.
Mongo like smoke!
Hey! It's Julian's birthday!  Happy birthday day sir. 
Digging a Fryday night full of jams at  @thewonderbarofficial
The stick flip never gets old.
Thinking I was just saying something about people using four piece kits.  Morten thinks otherwise. Dudes feet were lightening fast.
Amazing performance from @amarantheofficial. If you get the chance check out their live show!
These guys are from the south. So of course I am going to dig them.
Stoked to catch @citizenzero again. So good.
No room in front.  Shooting over heads most of the night and no cell service inside. The music though, it was fantastic!
The senior running through her solo and getting used to the new costume.
A little tap action this evening.
First of three with the dance team. A night of ballet and and pointe starts it off.
Got a little carried away last night. Rachel started things off for us. She is a soul of multi instruments. And this includes being a drummer!
Visiting us from Wisconsin! @singseasaw.  Love it when the touring acts come through Asbury.
I am loving this corner. @lowlightnj on the stage. Solid!
This is one of our local lakes, drained for the winter.  It has a pleasing/not pleasing look to it. Hopefully I caught the pleasing side of things.
Staying with the Tennessee theme. This one from out adventures at Rock City.  Really cool place.
The upcoming week is all music and dance. Wanted to break it up a bit today. This is the Chattanooga river front and the very popular walking bridge.
Very cool set being turned in by @deathbyungabunga. From Norway no less.  Awesome.
A little heavier...@listentogods
Going straight for the drummer to start off the night here @thewonderbarofficial

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