@misho_minds You mean like this?
@MiaMassicotte This is about as high contrast font colors as you can get -
@Paradox_v1 @virshawn My nag to get from list tweets to mentions in Tweetbot. 3 Taps. Let me know if I'm missing something
@theannamontana You may not be running 4.5.check version number at the bottom of account sidebar to see
@MicheleRSimon The version number is at the bottom of the account sidebar
@JonOSX Thanks, and nice profile there!
@EbenBitonte Do you have access for Twitterrific turned on in iOs Twitter settings like this?
@TiffLuvsAndrew in v4 it's at the bottom of the account sidebar.
@ixDiego @jmk Still in the way with the status bar shown. That's why they're designed to show then hide.
@andreamitrani Press the load more button (with the three dots
@Danedim2009 @dharmalaney Old v4's account screen looks like this. If your version isn't 4.5, you need to update.
@claTorino could just be twitter weirdness at time of search. Working fine for us.
@gomappy3 Like this
@paulungureanu Depends on your theme (font & size) settings.
@gavincostello It's here in v5
@morberg Working here for me. Sure you're in the right timeline?
@WunDaii Great, thanks! We can get 2-3 on our iPhone 4 with theme adjustments.
@Keyamoon Just trying to help, no need to be rude. Your link is broken on Twitter.com too. Take care.
We're flattered (and a little scared) at @kobebryant's new Twitter avatar, how about a shout-out, Kobe!
@LS_Fader Yes. You're tapping the reply icon, not the body of the tweet itself -
@jaydisc Is or is not listed? It's not in ours
@kennyadr We already have that in a way with this configuration -
@jpatten Not us.
@dawnwow What happens when you launch the Mac App Store App on your Mac and go to Twitterrific?

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