Keyyyyy West bitches!!!
In the past two weeks I've had two coworkers compliment me for my FB profile pic πŸ’ž Yay I'm not alone!
At the house! #goblue 🏐🏐🏐
Even if it's a terrible remake I will not leave the car until it ends. Monday's don't always suck!
Siriusly looking forward to Pottercon in Detroit. Trying to figure out if I'll dress in character or create my own
Good Monday tunes
Don't forget: #trustnoone
@LilRedScientist  @leckadams here is my work bestie with our No-Peekie mask!
When an employee tells you that they start work at 7:30 every day...but are never there when you start at 7:45....
I'm a greeter at this tournament so I'm super friendly today. I'm Tour Guide Barbie
@KMWarchol I know what you mean, I'm too chicken. And now I NEED this phone but will have to get a clear case
Apple came out with a Product(Red) iPhone 7!!! ❀️ ❀️ and YES I am buying this asap
Today's B1ue Apr0n meal was penne & arrabiata sauce = πŸ‘ŽπŸΎπŸ‘ŽπŸΌ. The roasted carrot & tangelo salad = πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
Perfect addition to my purse #sortinghat
Gryffindor hat love
The only proof I've ever needed to know T would be a terrible president is this stupid ass hat. Nope.
@EmDempster second is this
@EmDempster yes I have seen 2: first is this (any color options)
@KMWarchol and now I want to watch Nancy Drew again!
@tuesdaymidnight ahaha! Well my 10th recent pic is this so I suppose I'm doomed?
I'm loving my leggings today, they are so cute! Carly + Leggings + cute booties. I feel slightly put together.
@Sally__Thorne it's so heavy in my wimpy hand! (Paintball has me LMAO and MrSuper is all, what's so funny?)
I decided on a fun outfit for Monday morning! Maybe this will help my mood a bit #mondaymorningblues
Why do SOME people revert to calling females "stupid bitch"? It's so lazy and makes you look like a complete jerk.

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I'm just your average everyday bad ass supermom!


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