@ItsMeDeaner @stinkerswinkers lookit H2 just got me. Hobbit Marathon comin rite up. MoL
@petsarefound will do. Nites.
Time to beam up to #SCIFIpawty dis caturday 11am to 11pm EDT.
Mr Spock iz at he science station. Now dur rest of da crew.
Captain Kirk iz on da bridge.
Everybuddy run to CatToys.com n fanks dem by buyin sumfin. Dey donated mices to @OnebyOneInc cat rescue
@EdnaAtNutro @whskr halloooooo Edna. Dem panfurs lub da bird n cat catcher toys. #PETCHAT
@whskr yes CatToys.com doz hab it n da CatCatcher too. #PetChat
Run piggies run!
Dem shelter kittehs lub da cat catcher toy! Available at CatToys.com n loads of fun.
Nobuddy hangs better den Callie.  #PetChat @whskr @4catsstrapski @CarmaPoodale @OnebyOneInc
And der iz dis special lil house panfer wifout a house :( available thru @OnebyOneInc #PetChat
Look at dis purrty putty at da @OnebyOneInc shelter. Needs furever home. #PetChat
Piper iz laid back n relaxin. #PetChat
Cuddlin wif H2.
Here a quik #PETCHAT  selfie @tildatoo @petsarefound @petchat @whskr
Human2 n I werked on da upper floors fur da comic book shop all day long. Still no done.
@stinkerswinkers @ItsMeDeaner @ZackRabbit i made Sulu from da episode Naked Time.
@MaggieTKat @Pumpkinpuddy how bout free? I hab a BUNCH of bookies dat H2 buyed at book sale herz would gladly share.
Nite everybuddy. Hard day i needs my booty sleeps
Human2 wants to knows how der can be dis much cuteness when i just plop down.
Doz dis look like a kitteh dat wants to go to da vet?
Im home!
Waitin fur da blood werks tests results to come backs.

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I am a big ole moose of a cat and I love to eat and sleep... I haz a domain all mine owns.

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