I also meeted Senator Dinniman who iz tryin to law passed to ban gas chambers in PA
I meeted Daniel da dog wot survived da gas chamber at rally on Sunday.
I reddy fur #pawpawty yay!
I gotted lost in a corn maze last night. But human2 got me out eventually.
Play wif ma new ball.
I r a LEGO mosaic. Dats me smelling roses.
Collecting moon rocks fur ma pal @buddyrabbit n @zackrabbit
Hanging wif da astronauts on da shuttle @zackrabbit
I iz in space and no one can hears me scream! MOL @ZackRabbit
Well dat @Toki_Poki did get to da top afore me. How'd herz do dat?
I am rock climbing today wif ma pal @Toki_poki we habbing fun in Texas.
First nite at @toki_poki's house. Toki and I were tired so we wented to sleeps early
Eated human1's dinner when herz not lookin heehee
Picked up a burger fur G'pa da utter nite.
Sharing human1's Reese's peanut butter cups. Nom nom nom
Shopping at Target wif human2.
Ice cream! cept we did not go in fur any :(
Hangin out on piano wif foster monster. *hugs*

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I iz a kitteh cat wot goes meow meow not a bear -- MOL. I am @BorisKitty's brofur and hiz standin at publik appearances. I doz all da werk M

web edgarkitty.blogspot.com/


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