Observation: I wonder if the stylus will ever be replaced by our fingers or other input modalities? #mj2
I am reflecting upon my week in A'dam and sharing the same opinion as Rembrandt, which is captured here:
It looks like MoMo Amsterdam #momoams has it's own restaurant.
It looks like MoMo Amsterdam #momoams has it's own restaurant.
I have returned to SBG from AMS  - I have many positive experiences to reflect upon. I really like A'dam
I discovered a wonderful place
The Joy of Reading
Metro - Nieuwmarkt
Amsterdam Persoectives.
Holland: Beyond the stereotypes
I am taking time this week to explore, converse, read, reflect & write in Amsterdam.
Sitting outside the Waag Society usiing their public WiFi.  THANK YOU!
Ethnographic research in AMS using google streetview while sitting In De Waag 
Learning how to make campaigns measureble with Andrew Grill at #momoams
#momoams we have the best seats in the house.
Jamais Cascio is in the house! #momoams @hrheingold is making a video of him, fun to watch the dynamicp
Jamais Cascio is in the house! #momoams @hrheingold is making a video of him, fun to watch the dynamic
I am swimming in Grachten in front of the #momo Amsterdam gala 11 extravaganza. Where is @hrheingold?
I'm in Amsterdam hanging out here

Enroute to Munich

Enroute to Munich
Enroute to train.
Mobilities: Exploring why we move physically
@tomiahonen this picture perfectly portrays N.Korea's attitude: (Source, The Economist, 23 May, pg. 57)

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Mark A.M. Kramer

iPhone: 48.079727,16.281573

Smartmobster; Nomadic Research Fellow exploring the outer fringes of the ever-evolving information society.

web www.mamk.net


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