A rare picture of Tattooed_Mummy(and daughter)
Action shot! LOL
Here she is!
Rubbish #foodfight :-P
The view from my office window
Classy ad for lady's bikini line razor..
The Joy of Tents
Wish i had time to go to the fayre
#foodfight rhubarb crumble yum
New meerkats. Too cute
Things not to do today #swineflu
#foodfight yes! Must be a win! LOL anyone wishing they could bite my warm muffins? LMAO
#foodfight nearly done!
#foodfight off to the oven
And so it begins.... #foodfight prep!
Mixing... Looks nasty! Have faith! #foodfight
Reading Dr Dog and why you shouldn't scratch your bum and suck your thumb!
Brighton supermarket. A little heavy on the turkey basters?
today's lunch. Steak salad. #foodfight nom nom nom nom
Made you look!
stuffed fox says "let's go home"
#foodfight about to tuck in to apple pie nom nom nom
@jayv2 it is! #foodfight
#foodfight bangers, mash and cabbage. English fayre for St George's day. Now to tuck in.

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Tattooed Mummy

South of England

dog loving, geeky nice person


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