I am with the boars!
Tuscan Personal Trainer - Excercise #1: move 23 boxes of wood for 9.5 yrd, organize and clean. Then clean cabbage!
This is the Tuscan version of Golds' Gym. 900 lb of rocks and 600 lb of wood organized in less than two hours!
The Jewish father is out of the house, the prodigal son cooks all the pork he can!
Out of the house, will sleep at my parents tonite. Wife is showered, warm and happy.Maybe tonight, a better night?
Got home just in time! Fiesole, winter wonderland! Oh, yes, we have no luggage, all lost in Paris! Naked snowball?
Can I have it for Xmas?
Is this appropriate for your boss?
The kitchen window at Nancy Silvertons' house, the best I've seen in LA!!!
Got it! Wondering why they are playing marry go round music ;)
Make grandma proud! Buon appetito...
.... It already feels like Saturday night... Let's take advantage of it!

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Gabriele Corcos

Los Angeles, US / Florence, It

Every week new, fresh, healthy, traditional Tuscan recipes...delivered!

web www.underthetuscangun.com


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