Got this today from my boys on our way to school. For you mom, because you are the sweetest. Totally made my day..
#momlife #kids #happy
So proud! Over the last weeks, there have been articles about Mum, Tell Me in the @guardian, the Observer, @graziauk, the Daily Mail, the @dailyexpressuk, Dutch newspaper @ad_nl a BBC interview (𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗯𝗶𝗼
) and an ITV video that went viral.

I couldn’t be happier that the publications in the UK and the USA got so much attention in such a short period of time. But at the same time, I felt very vulnerable. It’s only been a little over a year that my mum passed away and it has not been easy finding my way in life without her. But I reminded myself that the most beautifull way to honour her is to get out there and help others deepen the connection with their loved ones by sharing our story to inspire others. 
I always admired my mother for her openness when we did interviews together. And she used to tell me that the best thing to do is just be yourself and tell your truth. So I did just that, more than I ever have. But I did more than that. I made it my mission to connect hearts. I want to inspire people to capture, share and remember their own personal stories. We live in a world that is getting increasingly complicated, busier than ever and full of disctractions. I strongly believe change starts small. With you and the people you care about the most. So put your phone away for a while and be there with your full attention when you are with the the ones you love. 
The great articles and the many heart-warming responses I’ve received, encourage me to continue my mission. I am very grateful for my own story and treasure my memories. I look back with a smile. But life also taught me that time is not something you own. It’s also not for sale and you never know how much you are going to get. So call your mother, your father or whoever is important to you and let them know how much you care about them. I hope and wish the articles will inspire many mothers and children to start building their own stories. That they use the time they have to connect their hearts. To create
What a great couple of weeks it’s been! MUM, TELL ME and MY MOTHER’S BOOK have been published in the UK and the USA, and there was a
whirlwind of activity in London! Behind it all, stood a strong team of women whom I love working with. And I know that it has been my face in the papers, but it is really all about teamwork. So, I just wanted to say: Thank you to all the great publishing teams all over
 the world for believing in me and my mission. I love the milestones we have reached together and the hearts we have already connected.
#grateful #connectinghearts
Time to celebrate! MY MOTHER’S BOOK is available in the USA. 🎉 It’s a dream come true. 15 years ago I followed my heart and gave up my job because I wanted to help as many people as possible to connect, share, and remember their special moments and memories. And to see my mission being carried forth by such a great publisher makes me very thankful. But also determined to keep on creating more ways to help people connect. Wishing you all a happy Sunday!
#mymothersbooks #grateful
Hello weekend! It’s so great to see you. 😍
#weekend #fun #makingmemories
Last week, the Grazia interviewed me. I felt pretty relaxed when we talked, like a conversation does. But now that I see myself, in print, al the nerves hit at once. It’s just a strange feeling to open a magazine with Kate on the cover... and see yourself staring back at you.
#butterflies #grateful #lovetoday
It’s been a little bit over a year since my mother passed.
She's always been an important source of inspiration to me.
And today it’s me passing on our story, hoping to inspiring others to connect, share and remember the stories that matter most.
Behind the scenes @BBCWomanshour. Exciting! .

#mumtellme #bbcwomanshour #elmavanvliet #mother #questionsformymother #womanshour #mothersday #giftbook #familystories #momandme #keepsake #storiesthatmatter
Superleuk! De Vriendinnen quiz staat in de @linda_meiden. 🎉😍
Happiness – we’re all hoping to find it. So, what’s the secret? Where do we find it? I believe the answer lies in building solid relationships with the people you love. That’s the gut feeling I started following fifteen years ago and everything I make and create is
 based upon. Now, science confirms what my heart was telling me all along. Research at Harvard shows that close relationships with family and friends are what keep people happy throughout their lives. Thank you Harvard!
Want to read more? Full article in bio.
#thankfull #happyness #research .

#happyness #love #family #friends #storyteller #happyness #authorsofinstagram #love #lifestyle #motivational #lifelessons #lifelesson #research #authorlife #brand #pursuitofhappyness #books #kids #familybonds #lovelife #woman #me #happy #authorsofinstagram #words #followyourheart
I couldn't agree more. 
Let's give hugs today!
#goodquote #enjoy #haveagreatday
Love this picture of @new.on.7 It reminds me of how we always think that we’ll remember all the little and special moments we have with our kids. But time goes so fast and I know that if I don’t write it down, I'll forget. That’s why I love to stop and write about them in the books that I keep for them. I write about the funny, the heartwarming, the silly and sometimes difficult moments we have together. And when they’re all grown up, I will have a personal and unique for them.
The story of them growing up.
#memorykeeping #momlife .
#sharethelove #bookstagram #memorykeeping #DIY #journal #momlife #memories #lifestyle #holdthemoment 
#worldoflittles #stationary #kindredmoments #holdthemoment #family #writing #books #children #savingmemories
#kids #forlater #mamenpapvertellenoverjou #life #growingfast
I often get compliments for the quality of the books and quizzes that I make. And questions on how I do that? The answer is simple. I am privileged to have a wonderful group of people around me. And they are incredibly good at what they do. That’s why I am happy I took these pictures last week in Germany. Siegfried has been making my German covers for over 13 years. And I love my visits with him when I am at my publishing house. Because we always dive right into what we love doing and what I am so passionate about. Making the most beautiful books and products that help people by capturing, sharing and remembering the stories that matter most to them.
#lovewhatyoudo #creatives
I love being at the beach. And what a lovely day was today. Two happy kids who were running around, the sea and the sun on my face. 
#dayoff #withthekids #timetogether
I believe life isn’t about things. It’s  about building true connections with the people that matter most to you. 
#lifequotes #time #love
How do you let your friends and family know much they matter? 
Your family. Your best friends. They mean the world to you. You share a history, grew up together or always feel at home when you are together. But how often do you tell them how much they matter to you? 
We live in busy times, and I believe we don’t tell them often enough. We can’t seem to find the right words, or we don’t know how or when to do it. And I wanted to find a solution for it. That’s why I created a series of sweet DIY-books that enable you to make an unique and personal gift book for the people that matter most to you. The books are filled with questions, little list and room for pictures and other memories you want to share. 
I loved the reactions I got. There was a mother who thought it was the best gift she ever got from her daughter. A father who was jealous and also wanted a filled in book and a little sister who cried after she read the sweet words of her big sister.

Reactions like this make me smile, but also strengthen my believe that there is no better feeling in the world than knowing that you matter. That someone’s life is better because you are in it. But filling in a book is a way, but there are so many other ways to let the important people in your life know how much you care about them. So I wondered: How do you do it? And what is the best reaction you ever got?

 #family #friends #memories
I always walk past the Scheltema bookstore on my way to meetings with @marianneschonbach . And every time I pass by, I love to stop and see my own handprint between those of great authors like @raykluun ,Nelleke Noordevliet and Jan Siebelink. Scheltema organised their Writers walk of fame 5 years ago when they moved to Rokin in Amsterdam. And I love the location they are at now, it’s right in between all the clothing stores, but I find it right that your bookloving heart can always be indulged while you’re out shopping.
#booklover #amsterdam #happy
Friendship knows no age. 😍💙
#holdthemoments #friends #loveit
I really like the person who first said: “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”. Guess this person has the same sense of direction as I do. 😂
#Munich #newbooks #quoteoftheday ~

De persoon die de quote: “Het gaat niet om de bestemming, maar om de reis ernaartoe” heeft bedacht, is écht een topper! Weet zeker dat hij/zij hetzelfde gevoel voor richting heeft als ik. 😂
#Munchen #nieuweboeken #quoteoftheday 
Samen met @ilka.heinemann @droemerknaur @bysshe51
Happy Valentine’s Day! ♥️ #vierdeliefde
Wow, what a great day! Thanks for all your sweet messages, movies and calls.

I had a great birthday. No alarm today, but waking up with a loud Happy Birthday, hugs and kisses and something that I really wanted to have: hand painted China that is unique one of a kind. Wedgwood: eat your heart out! 😂I had a great birthday. Thanks everyone!
#birthdaygirl #happy #thankyou 
Wow, wat een leuke dag! Dank jullie wel voor de leuke filmpjes, appjes, smsjes en belletjes. Ik werd vanochtend wakker gezongen, kreeg klapzoenen, knuffels en iets dat ik héél graag wilde hebben. Handbeschilderde borden die prachtig zijn. Wedgwood: “Eat your heart out”, zeg ik. Voelde me écht heel erg jarig vandaag. Dank jullie wel allemaal.
#jarig #blij #dankjewel
Sometimes there's a bit of magic in the air. It's those days where a meeting suddenly changes into a playground. Where you place designs and texts on the ground because you feel that "something is off". And while you are shuffling and puzzling, everyone starts to play along. It's then that you feel the atmosphere change. There is laughter, it becomes quite, and while you’re working you feel everything come together. What you are making is exactly what it needs to be.

It's days like this that I drive home at night with a smile as I realize I have the greatest job on earth.

Soms hangt er een beetje magie in de lucht. Het zijn die dagen waarop een vergadering plotseling verandert in een speeltuin. Waar je opstaat van tafel om op de grond te gaan zitten met allerlei print-outs omdat er “iets” niet klopt. En er niemand meer opstaat omdat we allemaal beginnen te puzzelen, te schuiven en te schrappen. 
En terwijl je bezig bezig bent voel je de sfeer veranderen. Er wordt gelachen. Het wordt stil. We vullen elkaar aan. En al spelend, voel je dat het klopt wat er ontstaat. En dát is het mooiste gevoel dat je als creatief kunt hebben.

Het zijn dagen zoals dit waarop ik s’avonds naar huis rij en me bedenk dat ik écht de áller, állerleukste baan van de wereld heb! 
Samen met @gemhofvantwente @marjoleinefiret & @fionavankruining 
#gezelligheid #officedays #laughter
De beste klacht die ik dit jaar ontving. 
Ik vind het geweldig om berichtjes/reacties te krijgen van mensen die mijn boeken of spellen hebben gekocht of gegeven. Meestal zijn het tips, suggesties of een mooi persoonlijk verhaal. Maar vorige week ontving ik een klacht van iemand uit Brazilië. Waarom ik alleen in het Nederlands schreef op Facebook en Insta? Daar had ik eigenlijk geen goed antwoord op, anders dan dat ik mijn tijd het allerliefste besteed aan het bedenken en maken van mooie dingen. En omdat ik geloof dat mijn boeken en spellen meer zeggen dan ik ooit zou kunnen doen. 
Maar ik ben dol op het oplossen van klachten:-) Daarom zal ik vanaf vandaag zowel in het Engels als in het Nederlands posten. 

I love receiving messages from people who bought or received my books. They are often filled with requests or suggestions a great personal story. But last week, I received a complaint from a somebody in Brazil, who asked me why I only wrote in Dutch on my social channels? Good question. The answer is that I love spending my time creating and making things more than talking about them. I believe my books and other products do the talking for me. 
But I love solving problems, so as of today, I’ll start posting in English and Dutch. And I got curious to know to know where you are from. Would be great to see in what countries my posts are read. Will you let me know where you are from in a reaction? 
Gelukkig hangt de liefde in de lucht.

Het is 8.15 en terwijl ik me aan sta te kleden, roep ik voor de derde keer naar beneden: “Jongens, kom nou, school begint zo.” Terwijl er mopperend gereageerd wordt, hoor ik beweging. Maar helaas is het niet de beweging die ik graag wilde. Ik hoor alleen maar: Nietus! Wellus!, terwijl er een matpartij beneden ontstaat. Lekker handig op dit tijdstip. 
Ik weet dat ik vaker blog over hoe snel ze groot worden, maar het zijn ineens geen brave kleuters meer, maar mini mannetjes met een geheel eigen mening over tijd, aankleden en hoe we samen dingen moeten doen. Of juist niet. 
Nieuwe tijden vragen om een nieuwe aanpak. En als ik één ding geleerd heb over kinderen en tijd, is het dat als ik ga stressen en jagen, alles áltijd langzamer gaat. En dat uit je dak gaan helemaal niet helpt omdat ik dan de rest van de dag met een rotgevoel rondloop omdat de dag niet lekker startte. 
Vroeger was mijn strategie afleiden als ze ergens in bleven hangen. En dus zet ik boven keihard Kraantje Pappie aan met: “Gelukkig hangt de liefde in de lucht”, negeer alle herrie en begin keihard mee te zingen. Het werkt en twee minuten later sta ik stoere kapsels te maken en rennen we samen om 8.27 de deur uit. We zijn op tijd. En de liefde hangt gewoon nog in de lucht. 
Nu vroeg ik me af: ik ben vast niet de enige die ‘s ochtends af en toe vastloopt in het ochtendritueel. Hoe doen jullie dat? Wat zijn jullie beste trucs om het een beetje gezellig te houden én op tijd de deur uit te gaan? 
#motherofboys #durftevragen #shareyourwishdom
Gelukkig hangt de liefde in de lucht.

Het is 8.15 en terwijl ik me aan sta te kleden, roep ik voor de derde keer naar beneden: “Jongens, kom nou, school begint zo.” Terwijl er mopperend gereageerd wordt, hoor ik beweging. Maar helaas is het niet de beweging die ik graag wilde. Ik hoor alleen maar: Nietus! Wellus! Terwijl er een matpartij beneden ontstaat. Lekker handig op dit tijdstip. 
Ik weet dat ik vaker blog over hoe snel ze groot worden, maar het zijn ineens geen brave kleuters meer, maar mini mannetjes met een geheel eigen mening over tijd, aankleden en hoe we samen dingen moeten doen. Of juist niet. 
Nieuwe tijden vragen om een nieuwe aanpak. En als ik één ding geleerd heb over kinderen en tijd, is het dat als ik ga stressen en jagen, alles áltijd langzamer gaat. En dat uit je dak gaan helemaal niet helpt omdat ik dan de rest van de dag met een rotgevoel rondloop omdat de dag niet lekker startte. 
Vroeger was mijn strategie afleiden als ze ergens in bleven hangen. En dus zet ik boven keihard Boef aan met: “Gelukkig hangt de liefde in de lucht”, negeer alle herrie en begin keihard mee te zingen. Het werkt en twee minuten later sta ik stoere kapsels te maken en rennen we samen om 8.27 de deur uit. We zijn op tijd. En de liefde hangt gewoon nog in de lucht. 
Nu vroeg ik me af: ik ben vast niet de enige die ‘s ochtends af en toe vastloopt in het ochtendritueel. Hoe doen jullie dat? Wat zijn jullie beste trucs om het een beetje gezellig te houden én op tijd de deur uit gaan?

#motherofboys #durftevragen #shareyourwishdom

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