I like my girls like I like my pizza...
Semen Street, Sperm Avenue...
I hate white people who only listen to black music. Nah'mean?
@shannonsturner Mine just lets people know that I'm a fucking child.
@ThatChrisJensen @JusteneJaro Well isn't that special...
Just found these in my drawer. Forgot i had em haha
Zombie avi, shmombi avi. It's all about the GHOSTFACE, NIGGA!!!
That Bibi is hot too. Her body & face is gorgeous. I like this one she posted today & it's not even the naked one! Lol
I mean I can see her coming here, I just hope it goes down like with juelz lol So hot lol
@MissRampant Speaking of Superman, I did this on vacation last month...
@shannonsturner Oh, so you want to party with the big boys, eh?
My mom really knows how to get fucking baked.
@schwhating Oh my god! I'll totally bring mine too! Yours going down.
RT @BreeOlson: A huge thank you to all of my fans:

(this note is in regards to the physical fan mail I receive)
Being extra productive today. #WorkTweet
Faggle (noun)
1. A large group of rich white faggots that golf.
It makes me smile when @BreeOlson favorites my tweets. #whatchooknowboutthat?
Remember these fucking things?! Yup, still got 'em. #90sSwag, bitch!
This many! Fuck yeah I still got my POGS. RT @Georgecocksman How many POGS do you think you can put in your vagina?
@Georgecocksman This many! Yeah, I still got my POGS. So the fuck what.
That awkward moment when Yahoo! makes a fat persons mouth water & quickly reminds them they're a fat obese asshole.
@dirtyvanz Word. That is it.
@AClkwrkStarfish I saw me some Furries in Pittsburgh this summer
Just a reminder, that you can all... #WorkLockerTweet

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Dr. Nobody, MD

Shitsburgh, PA

You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.


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