TFW your baby is so beautiful, smart, strong and amazing you cry every time you have to visit her in the NICU. ❤️😪❤️
This is what @TheMidbestCoast and I look like on 24 hours of no sleep and a baby in the NICU. Life is still amazing!
The stealth bombers I heard were actually French fighter jets! WE ARE *DOOMED!

*having celebrations at WWI Memorial
So I had to change my bio - "Beer Snob" will be back in a few months... ☺️
It’s been a bad week. Tomorrow begins a world nightmare, yet still @POTUS comes along to give glimmers of hope.❤️🌤❤️
At least Biden can stop staring out the window now.

That’s the only bright side I can see.
Believe it or not, I just got a shitload of my hair cut off today.

When I start being able to sit on it, it's time.
#TrumpCantRead puts pieces into the puzzle that is him.

No teleprompters, no news knowledge…it all makes sense now!
In line to vote. My nephew is reviewing the ballot. I think I'm breaking the law by posting this but that's okay. 🇺🇸
It took four hours, but POSSUM TRAP IN DA HOUSE. Hope it likes tuna Fancy Feast!
My nephew has started trying solid foods and yada yada yada I need to start a Go Fund Me for laundry detergent pods.
How are you going to have like 27 kids together and not make it work?

P.S. Congrats Jenn!!
Aww, you guys! Joe Biden is on TV doing the Stand Up To Cancer thingie. He got a night out!!

That’s so adorable! 🙃🙂
My dog is swinging my nephew and I've never seen anything more cute!!
Checking my tweets & noticed something. I was joking about being Beverly Goldberg to my nephew but do we look alike?
After helping raise my nephew I know if I was a mother I would totally be Wendi McClendon-Covey as Beverly Goldberg.
Johnny Depp was good, but Gene Wilder will forever be Willy Wonka in my mind.
ANOTHER #RoyalsRallyMantis?! We are so #blessed with bugs here in Kansas City. Take us to the end again little guys!
RIP #RoyalsRallyMantis. We loved you. 

It’s all fun and games until you start feeling the hair leave your scalp…
The number of likes on this tweet say EVERYTHING:
For those who love the sun, drugs & alcohol, Lindsay Lohan turned 30 today.


He’s tried three times. The cock is crowing but men need to be taught lame intros don’t work.

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I dance fast. And I sometimes have a fast kick. New and improved with a blog!



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