Baby steps!πŸ‘£ But even more important: fun & play. That’s what it’s all about!πŸ€ΈπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
Ready for the weekend?! 3-2-1: GO! πŸ’₯ .
My weekend will be:
πŸ’ͺ🏼Coaching a special @barebells.benelux workout to launch the new Hazelnut-Nougat flavor in NL
🎬Going to the movies
πŸŠπŸΌβ€β™€οΈCoaching the beginner swimmers to a good technique in freestyle
πŸ”Testing a new vegetarian burger in town! .
Full weekend! 😁 Do you have abt special plans?
Na een dag op m’n kont zitten heb ik eigenlijk wel zin in een beetje actie! πŸ’₯ Kan iemand het weekend vast aan zetten? πŸ”›
Why so serious? Happy monday y’all! πŸ₯
Ik doe niet aan goede voornemens. En toch zijn er wel dingen waar ik in 2019 meer aandacht aan wil geven. Dingen die ik leuk vind, waar ik rustig van word en die me-time betekenen voor mij. Zoals lezen, wandelen en... koken. Ik begin vandaag vast. #HNY
Je bent zelf een oliebol! πŸͺ
Wait, what? Is Christmas really over?! πŸŽ…πŸΌ
Merry FITmas!!⚑️ Boxing Day WOD with 40 Wildhearts. What a great way to start the day!πŸŽ…πŸΌ πŸŽ„
Sometimes you just need to post a picture with an alpaca πŸ¦™βœŒπŸΌ #daslogisch #happythursday
Hitting a 80kg water punching bag got me like... πŸ₯ŠπŸ˜ˆ Had so much fun with the awesome team @barebells.benelux! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Thnx all!! ✨
Even een throwbackie naar de tofste trip van afgelopen jaar. Gewoon omdat we hier zulke heerlijke memories aan hebben. πŸ’š #hepieenhepie
Sleeping in, walking, relaxing and eating (duh). Spending the weekend with our dear friends πŸ–€ Feels like a mini holiday! πŸ™πŸ»
This uncomfortable weather β˜”οΈ got me going for the best Laksa in town. 🍜 Let’s warm up! πŸ”₯
Haven’t been training all weekend, so I am ready AF for this new week! πŸ’₯ #happymonday
Nobody promised it would be pretty πŸ€£πŸ’©
Sometimes you find yourself by losing yourself in what you love. πŸ–€ After a bumpy few weeks it looks like I’m getting back on track. πŸ––πŸΌ
Started this monday with a great yoga practice. Not in this beautiful forest though, but in a location @ Rotterdam. Even without the purple and green surroundings of nature it was still pure bliss πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ»
Moving mountains at work means no time to move sandbags at the gym. It’s just fine to have another focus and other priorities after a big competition, but hope to be back at it soon tho! πŸ”₯
RELAX! I can not even remember the last morning I did not have to jump out of bed at 6AM. So I enjoyed my relaxt saturday morning to the fullest! 🧦πŸ₯β˜•οΈπŸ—πŸ’­
This is my church. This is where I heal my hurts. πŸ’™
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This is where I think and where I let go. This is where I find calm and where I get energized. This is where I fight and where I recover. This is my happy place. πŸ™πŸ» #faithless
Lazy sunday with my fav person in my fav city πŸ–€
A strong body is nothing without a strong mind! (and a πŸ’©-face πŸ€ͺ) One week ago I took a very surprising event win during the @lowlandsthrowdown with handstand walk and pretty heavy thrusters. Learned yet again how important the mind is. Thrusters will never be my fav move, but trusting on the work we put in, breaking the reps into managable chunks and sticking to the plan without any hesitations proved to be the best way to go. Still brings back a smiling face and proud heart! πŸ–€
It was never about the ranking, it was all about the journey. πŸ–€
2nd on the @lowlandsthrowdown!!πŸ₯ˆ I just don’t know where to start, I can’t find the right words for this amazing experience. It was the best rollercoaster ride!! πŸ–€

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