Looks like Mary
It is!
That's the life! If you're ever in west Hollywood come cuddle this
This quote is wrong.  It's Not "Catholicism" -- it's  "every religion"
He's home & on meds to keep him comfortable & happy. Oh my heart. Loving an elderly dog is not for sissies. Thanks so much for asking, my love! I hope you are great! xxoo
My friend Dan Milano's baby modeled the Walking Dead onesie
Is it okay with you that I have a picture of you sleeping in a nazi uniform on the wall of my my kitchen? 
do u want?
Real name duck. Show name Doug. Was a stoned whim. He's almost 18 now
Ha hi mama- did u tweet that at 11:11 11/11/11 on purpose? Susie as I took pics at that time at this cafe:
O to be a man (@realjeffreyross) &walk out like this & still deserve all the love in the world
Don't cook ur eggs in the microwave. When you go to eat them THIS may happen:
Old dog, pretend dinosaur.
I'm telling my story so people like me know they're not alone: I use chip clips.
They're loving it- they sent this pic..
Thanks mom and dad for the best World AIDS Day any girl could ask for
Thanks to everyone who let me know that lipstick is to accentuate the lips!
Decided to try lipstick- I love it!
Decided to try lipstick- I love it!
Agee just sent me this. He saw it on someone's blog
I'm sorry @realjeffreyross.  I'm so sorry. I thought I knew what I was doing..
I'm having minstrel cramps
I cut hair out of his head & put it in his hand: enjoy the new @realjeffreyross 
My folks divorced 30 yrs ago - still love each other in sickness &in health

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Tehran, Iran

I am a monkey

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