All my #nm gardening peeps - harvest or cover your chiles - dewpoint can freeze below 38 degrees. Mo' insanity sauce
Random bumper sticker: 'I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned'
Pro peeps: v.5.0.1 just shipped with lots of fixes - tap/hold tweet for insty-options. Here's how a tweet works now:
Forget the #zombieApocalypse - it's the fancy duct tape dolls that have me concerned
The end result of yesterday's ghost peppers is the "Oh Mayan Insanity Sauce" - logo designed by Emma
Considering using my ghost peppers (the world's hottest chile) with habaneros and jalapeño for homebrew insanity sauce
¿Sabes el nombre de esta chile roja carribe? It's shape is identical to our beloved habanero but red red!
You'll need the t-shirt @dom #iheartkale
So @JPBarlow remember first being able to send and receive faxes on the NeXT ~ 1991? Just found this...
I shipped my first shrink wrap commercial software TextArt for the NeXT v0.9 in October 1989. The optical disk was $50!
Let us set our cares aside! From my pond to your contemplation
Ok scarabs, you can have that nectarine... They are so drunk on nectar, they won't budge!
Reinvigorating the art of wild crafting mushrooms: Hericium coralloides aka comb tooth. Hopefully not my last supper!
So this is what makes Santa so jolly and reindeers appear to fly! Amanita Muscaria
Here's the video of @kyetchina accepting eBay's 'Best Woman Entrepreneur' award at #iOSDevCamp for FoodFast
More #iOSDevCamp awesomeness and proof of @dom's theory of karma magick : I'm back irrigating my garden and it rains!
Dang I wish I had time to stop and actually say high in person! But i got this for y'all:
After forty eight 
Hours of nonstop programming
Ah FukoSato!

#iOSDevCamp #twaiku
ListEase video from #iOSDevCamp demo at by
CocoaConspiracy #abq and team @holdmyticket
FoodFast(tm) by 8th graders at #iosdevcamp The future is here!
Meet your tech future - thankfully, it won't be all guys @sujamthe's 1:1 tech woman to tech girl mentoring #iOSDevCamp
[Zydeco music playing] Y'all ready for wild crafted Crawish Étouffee here in #abq New Mexico?
Albuquerque's newest co-working space 'Ideas and Coffee' co-located at founded at home in 1989
Just found this photo of my mom and I from 1990 when NeXT was young and our dreams were fresh #whatalongstrangetrip #sj

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Andrew Stone

Albuquerque, New Mexico

TwiKu iPhone coder: farmer, father, futher forever - founder - flounder



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