That @kellman dude hates these books. You shouldn't be a funny for learning. #RSAC #CheckPointRSA
Cloud is different. @Kellman #CheckPointRSA #RSAC
We treat machines like pets. In the cloud, we should treat them like cattle. @Kellman #RSAC #CheckPointRSA
"Why do I need a smart toaster?" says @Kellman It's all getting smarter and more connected. #CheckPointRSA #RSAC
This is the way most people see dialogue boxes. @Kellman #RSAC #CheckPointRSA
USB Gloves. Really, @kellman? #RSAC #CheckPointRSA
Watch out for the Ewoks says @Kellman. #CheckPointRSA #RSAC
Optional security is irrelevant. Well said @Kellman. #CheckPointRSA #RSAC
OMG @kellman that's a lot of security enforcement! #CheckPointRSA #RSAC
Here's @Kellman reminiscing about networks and enforcement past. #CheckPointRSA #RSAC
There's that @kellman dude awakening your enforcement. #RSAC #CheckPointRSA
This mobile app is bad news. Come to #RSAC Moscone South 1507 to find out why. #CheckPointRSA
Our booth at #RSAC is something else. It's in Moscone South 1507. #CheckPointRSA
Yup, wandering around at #RSAC, doing a selfie for #CYRENatRSA to get swag.
Who wouldn't want to see a presentation called Liars and Damn Liars? #RSAC Moscone South 1507
Setting up for the Welcome Reception. #RSAC Moscone South 1507
My stage in a couple hours. #RSAC Moscone South Booth 1507.
Come see how the Check Point 15600 performs at #RSAC Moscone South Booth 1507.
Yup, Check Point is at #RSAC. Come to the South Hall Booth 1507.
It's time for #RSAC
Got all the sleep and all the steps today.
Might be easier to post when you CAN park here instead of when you can't.
Up, up, and away. Think that's the Narrows Bridge off in the distance.
We've been sitting on the Tarmac for a bit longer than usual. Wonder what's going on.

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Dameon Welch-Abernathy

Gig Harbor, WA, USA

C-List #Cybersecurity Celebrity; Podcaster; #noagenda Producer; Frequents shiny metal tubes; Expresses personal opinions; Coffee achiever



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