Here for an HPA (High School) Alumni event. Cool to watch them make glass.
Assessing the damage to Thing 2's iPad while I take a backup of it. Its dangerous to touch.
Picked up a couple new stickers for my laptop last week.
During the rainy season, the sidewalk floods here. The woods off to the side is flooded.
The boy had a solo tonight. It was longer than this but Instagram only does 15 second videos.
The boy had a solo this evening. Yay Instagram and the 15 seconds video limit.
Someone clearly didn't spell check this sign.
Meanwhile, the Jawbone UP Move can track sleep. We'll see if I gain any grand insights...
Two dead lightning cables in two weeks. It means I get to order moar of them. 😒
Jawbone Up Move. It was cheap, we'll see how it works.
Quite a bit more snow on Mt. Rainier since I last saw it. Also a very pleasant January afternoon to boot.
Thing 2 dropped her iPad 2. It ain't pretty.
I've had more legroom but it will do.
At least the flight home is relatively short and direct.
It's been fun, Nashville, but I'm ready to go home.
ZZ Top
Summer of '69...
Check Point was apparently here...
When in Nashville, go see live music in honky tonk bars.
The inside of this hotel is something else.
Bull riding in a bouncy house.
And so it begins. #CHKPSKO2016 #OneStepAhead
That's my name, don't wear it out.
Why I'm in Nashville.

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Dameon Welch-Abernathy

Gig Harbor, WA, USA

C-List #Cybersecurity Celebrity; Podcaster; #noagenda Producer; Frequents shiny metal tubes; Expresses personal opinions; Coffee achiever



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