RP @scottspencer: @phoneboy I don't think either candidate deserves to win the election. // Neither did I, that’s why I voted for None of the Above
@jamartin I surely didn’t vote for either of them.
No matter who wins the Presidential Election, I can confidently say “I didn’t vote for him.”
@urbanape my coffee hits me in the mouth. #noagenda
Need to hit myself in the mouth again.
The NYC Subway is a memefest @adamcurry @THErealDVORAK
Listening to @erezbe talk cloud insecurity.
AT&T really doesn’t want me to Mark The Spot.
Not just a search engine.
I've always known Frys sells crap. Didn't realize how literal that was.
My identity is being erased!
Desert platter. For an army.
Ribeye. Oscar Style.
We make water, too!
Surf and Turf at Margaritaville
The only kind of "Frothy Mix" I like. Definitely not that Santorum douchebag. #noagenda
Leaving a familiar street corner.
Don't leave Israel without it.
Happy Thursday from Tel Aviv! Starting the journey home tonight.
I'll admit being partial to blondes.
Happy Hump Day from Tel Aviv! Well, it's hump day here anyway...
Happy Monday from Tel Aviv!
Good morning from Tel Aviv!

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Dameon Welch-Abernathy

Gig Harbor, WA, USA

C-List #Cybersecurity Celebrity; Podcaster; #noagenda Producer; Frequents shiny metal tubes; Expresses personal opinions; Coffee achiever

web phoneboy.com


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