Hahaha baby #fail.
Cute lil coffee house by our new place is SO cute! Love places that do this.
Non-dairy doesn't automatically mean soy, Safeway. I believe they just call this water.
Look, @graphicphantom I can get these to match the lamp I wanted from Ikea! -RT @chelseahandler Look at my new jewelry.  http://j.mp/a3h8Qb
The Koreans in front of us are terrified of this sun.
Beautiful day for a baseball game... again.
Does she, or does she not, look EXACTLY like a female Jaws from the Bond movies? Right?!
This woman has the biggest earlobes I've ever seen on a human. She's like half elephant.
My dad doesn't know what game he's at.
Swishhhhh! (@IBFabulous)
This hat's gotta be uncomfortable, right?
Good seats? Yeah, I think so.
I don't think they gave me enough bread. (Meanwhile, Dr. Atkins & his dieters' heads just exploded.)
One false move, and my guard cats WILL attack.
So glad they decided to put this LOVELY sign next to our freeway exit. Reeeeally welcoming here.
What The Dusty Rose should look like:

If anyone's looking for a servant, I think I know someone who could help. (@marchinko interested in another maid?)
@IBFabulous LOL do they look like this?
I could help, but this is entertaining. #YesI'mAnAsshole
PS: Why does my phone always do this shit to me? It makes me type like I'm fuckin deaf.
Ransom note, homeless guy's sign, shitty punk band tracklisting, or @graphicphantom's things to tweet later list?
Less than a day in the new apartment & the cats have already figured out the heater's sweet spot.
Found this in my bedside table. It's not mine OR @graphicphantom's. So who was cutting their toenails in our bed?!

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