She's eating a sandwich and watching The Walking Dead. Her favorite television show. "ever."
Tonight's challenge: Convincing half of these kids to spend the night across the street at the other grandma's house.
And it's not the best pen ever or anything but it's written many a narcotic prescription, I'm sure.
Missing my little man in VA in the worst way. He's playing the blues because he misses me too.
@ForgottenRomeo tried and true.
@ForgottenRomeo or christian, depending on which way he'll swing. :)
@ForgottenRomeo maybe he'll be interested in marrying my family's current legendary baby, Kayla.
Wait, what?
Just kill me now.
These looked reasonable after the cut yesterday. Today I look angry. And brush-less. Time to give up the bang dream.
30 seconds of traffic in Houston. Sounds like. Looks like. Smells like. Home.
And now channeling Karen O.
In English, please.
30 seconds of sounds before being infected by the Ebola virus.
Still always makes me think of you  @RaffettoSpeaks. And how I killed Updike.
And today is an unusually FREEZING day in Texas.
There's no way they're not breaking something. But they look too scary to complain too
30 seconds of sounds of the SLOWEST WOMAN ON EARTH renting me my storage space. Don't break in!
Ahhh sweet temporary solution.
30 seconds of sounds coming from my belly. Lactose intolerance, quit yer bitching.
OR... I could spend the rest of my day like this. It's not like I have anything better to do, let's get real here.

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