Eating ramen for the second time today. Don't judge me.
Today's office: a Starbucks in Downtown Denver. And it's snowing. Good thing I have a warm jacket and I'm close to my hotel.
Brussel Sprout salad and Ramen. With eggs on top. 👍🏻
Have to say, I could get used to these seats.
The Delta SkyClub is a little empty this time of day.
First time I've been able to purchase a clothing item other than socks from Costco. I've lost 14 inches off my waist and I'm not done yet. #NonScaleVictory
There's a dumb-ass bird that keeps trying to fly into our window. He's been trying for days, apparently. 🙄
While I was away, my patio furniture got upgraded. 👍🏻
Not quite as much legroom on this flight, but it's all good. Heading home for the weekend.
That moment when you realize you've been upgraded.
On the right side of the First Class seating this time. 👍🏻
A brief respite from the shiny metal tubes
One of the better Economy Comfort+ seats, right behind first. Just a little extra legroom 👍🏻
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Walking around the 16th Street Mall in Denver
Look, it's a Starbucks. In downtown Denver. Looks similar to every other Starbucks. So is the coffee, which isn't a bad thing.
Comfy seats for the flight to Denver
Working in the Delta SkyClub in SeaTac
Taking the @checkpointsoftware CheckMates show on the road again! Denver on Tuesday, Washington DC on Thursday.
My pants before I started and my current ones, 10 inches smaller, which are starting to get loose now. 👍🏻
Even though we bought it six months ago, we are just now doing the inaugural run of our new grill.
It must be warm today in Gig Harbor as I'm ordering iced coffee at @gigdrivestarbucks. Or more specifically, an Iced Blonde Americano.
Inflated my stability ball a bit more (which I use as an office chair), now I'm sitting a bit higher. 👍🏻

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Dameon Welch-Abernathy

Gig Harbor, WA, USA

C-List #Cybersecurity Celebrity; Podcaster; #noagenda Producer; Frequents shiny metal tubes; Expresses personal opinions; Coffee achiever



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