1 minute of bad ass Vicki!!
Hey @daveexmachina next year's national draw a bird day submission?
Yeah. This.
40 seconds of downtown Houston at noon.
When people don't get your "I hope you find a penis" joke, things end very awkwardly.
30 seconds of sound check at the children's museum before my nieces dances with her traditional Mexican dance team.
Mugshot Hall of Fame. AKA: Tampon Nose. #summercold
40 seconds of sounds from my bed.
@sdavidmiller wrong.
Spam on my new website. I can't stop giggling.
30 seconds of the hotel fire drill that sounds like someone is having an orgasm. Albeit a scary one, but still.
Landed at an open mic night in Cocoa Beach in a java house. This place is an odd combination of young and old weirdos.
Part of the in bed sick series I got from the library earlier this week. Who knows maybe itll inspire a career change.
@Girlinacoma twins!
My hair is soooooo long now.
@daveexmachina you were saying... (groan)
I could not stop laughing at this in the movie theater. My 3 baby nieces thought I was nuts.
@daveexmachina this was about a guy I went out with. Was bummed I didn't get some geeky quote. It went downhill after.
I know at least one other person who has insomnia and gets kind of idiotic because of it.
Cable guy with his cute country accent might be the end of me. He doesn't know I'm mentally stalking him already.
This screen saver just freaked me the fuck out. Until I read the fine print.
30 seconds of a song that sound hound doesn't know. Help!
Valentines Day gift from Ken. No card included, understandably (?)

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